Alexandra Rabadi Home Page

Entrepreneur, Enthusiast, YouTuber, and Blogger

Hi everyone, I was a recently lost young adult searching for what my ‘purpose’ in life was. I was confused on how I should be defining it.

I branched out and tried to identify myself and the things I enjoy the most through experimenting on where my focus keeps going back to. I have recently rediscovered myself and confirmed that where my true, and most honest passion lies is within sharing. Sharing specifically about fashion, styling, beauty, adventure in a woman’s life, entrepreneurship, and travel. My goal is to share as much as possible, share all of what I am capable of knowing for the world to grow and develop with, I believe in leaving footprints behind. I hope to find you enjoying all of these things as much as I do.

Go beyond the basics of effort, time, and consistency and you will achieve everything in your mind.

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